Emotions are necessary for everyone – whether they are pleasant or negative, they make us feel and link us to our brains and hearts. You’ve probably heard someone remark, “A person’s heart is on their sleeves.” This phrase describes individuals who develop an unhealthy emotional attachment to others.
These individuals are more susceptible to emotional manipulation than others. Emotional manipulation occurs when individuals try to persuade another by instilling shame or embarrassment in them. This kind of habit may be difficult to break and might make individuals feel less confident in themselves.
Emotional manipulators often use mind games to exert influence over the other person. A strong emotional bond is founded on trust, comprehension, and respect. If any of these are lacking or exploited, a relationship may quickly deteriorate.
Twelve Symptoms of Emotional Manipulation
Although the symptoms of emotional manipulation may be minor, they are present:
- They are adamant about meeting at a location of their choosing.
- They approach too fast
- They exaggerate and fabricate incidents.
- They are a bully on an emotional level.
- They make you feel terrible for yourself
- They minimize your concerns while emphasizing their own
- They portray themselves as victims
- They absolve themselves of accountability for their acts
- They are always criticizing you.
- They exploit your emotions and insecurities.
- They make use of guilt trips.
- They are passive-aggressive in nature.
- They provide the “silent treatment” to you.
There are more instances when an emotional manipulator may use your emotions in order to exert control over you and bend you to their will. While emotional manipulation may not leave physical scars or markings, it can leave mental scars and can have a negative impact on everyday living.
How To Defend Against Emotional Manipulation
What you must do to safeguard yourself from emotional manipulation is as follows:
- Refuse to Accept a Simple Apology
An emotional manipulator will always have an instantaneous apology on the tip of their tongue. To prevent emotional manipulation, do not instantly accept their apologies. Confront them with your emotions and inquire about theirs.
- Pay Attention to Your Gut
Almost seldom is your intuition incorrect. It is critical to comprehend and be aware of your environment. First and foremost, trust your emotions and yourself. If you have self-doubt, a manipulator will use it. Attend to what the other person says and how they behave.
- Activites Words Speak Louder than Actions
In this situation, the adage “actions speak louder than words” is essential. Never trust anything someone says until they follow through on it. Consider someone’s actions rather than what they say.
- Develop the ability to say NO
You ARE NOT the source of the issue. Develop assertiveness and the ability to say no when a manipulative person encourages you to do something you do not want to do. You must remember to prioritize your goals and to say NO without feeling guilty.
- Reclaim your authority
When an emotional manipulator persists in violating your established limits, speak out and reclaim your control. A manipulative individual is similar to a bully. You must be intelligent and courageous in order to stand up to them. When you refuse to submit to their will and demonstrate your emotional fortitude, they will be forced to back down.
Emotional manipulation may have a negative impact on your mental and emotional health for a lengthy period of time. This is NOT a healthy practice. An emotional manipulator will use your emotions and sentiments in order to make you feel guilty for acts you did not do.
Keep an eye out for emotional manipulators and never forget that you are an individual. Nobody should have authority over you.
Consult a competent healthcare practitioner if you or someone you know is a victim of emotional manipulation. Nobody deserves to have their emotions twisted. It is OK to seek therapy and assistance from a professional.
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