Seven Ways to Tell Your Story On Social Media

The term content marketing refers to “a type of marketing that includes the creation and sharing online material (such videos, blogs and social media posts), that doesn’t explicitly promote a brand, but rather stimulate interest in their products and services.” With other words, “buy my stuff!” is just explicit marketing. Content marketing is about persuading people through storytelling.
Because science shows that storytelling causes Oxytocin to be released in the brain. This hormone is linked with social bonding. It is an effective tool in social media and content marketing. This basically means that you can share stories to build trust and know your clients so they will support you and eventually buy from them. This is a great way to integrate it into your social media strategy. These are seven ways you can do this:
Table of Contents
1. 1.Share your “Why”
Sharing your why is a great way to tell your brand’s story. This can be done by sharing:
- Your company’s mission/vision
- Why are you motivated
- Why did you launch or start your business
Sharing your story is an important way to connect with others. It allows you to build deep relationships and create community with people who share the same as you. This will allow you to reach your ideal client.
2. 2.
A how it began versus what it is now post would also be a great way to tell your story. These posts show you the progression of your business, brand, or company from its beginning to today. You could use the caption to tell your audience about how you got started in achieving a goal or how far you’ve come since.
3. 3. Your Highlight reel
You can also share your success stories (also known as “highlight reel”), such as:
- Positive client testimonials/case studies
- Award
- Expanding such as product/office lines, new hires or product lines
- Hosting, sharing or meeting with industry stars
- Your business can help you create the life that you or your family dream of
- Click
These techniques can be used to tell stories about your achievements. You could share how they relate to your why, your vision or your progress. It is possible to share quotes and “piggyback” on them, by simply sharing your own personal experiences.
Storytelling “is the best way to communicate ideas today” –Robert McKee
4. 4.
All three strategies have one thing in common: they all can be inspirational or aspirational to your audience. This aspect of storytelling can be further enhanced by sharing wisdom, such as lessons learned from your journey to reach this stage and the impact they had on you. This will not only build brand loyalty but also position you as an expert, credible and trustworthy solution for your ideal client’s problems. It makes it easy to purchase your paid content.
5. Mistakes from the past
Thomas Edison said once that he had never failed. When asked about his mistakes, Edison said that he had “just found 10,000 ways that will not work”. This is to tell you that many of the greatest lessons we’ve learned about how to succeed come from learning what to avoid first. It’s crucial to share not only words of encouragement but also the mistakes that got you there. This can be past failures and mistakes, as well as limiting beliefs and/or poor decision-making. In so doing, you:
- Humanise yourself
- Make more relatable
- Let your audience know that your process has worked for you and can also work for them
- Convince them to purchase without being pushy or sleazy
6. Case studies
Although I briefly mentioned case studies in the highlights reel, it is a powerful storytelling tool that deserves to be discussed in more detail. The art of telling stories about your product’s efficacy using customers or clients as protagonists, rather than you, is called case studies. This can be done by talking about what the customer/client was facing when they approached you, the solutions they received and how they feel. __S.56__
This is incredibly powerful, as it can raise suspicions about your biases and/or whether you are able to achieve the same results for other people. However, using other people to serve as cases studies can eliminate those concerns. The ideal client will identify with and see the characters in your story. They will then be convinced to purchase from you.
Non-profit organizations can also use case studies to show how money is being spent and make an impact on people’s lives. These will encourage current patrons and new patrons alike to continue giving to your cause.
7. 7.
A behind-the scenes post (BTS), is the final storytelling strategy you should consider. BTS posts are typically a photo or video of the daily background of your company with a caption explaining why it’s important. Examples include:
- Meetings
- Processes
- Public appearances
- More
BTS posts can be great storytelling tools as they reveal the inner workings of your company. They also give insight into your brand and create a feeling of intimacy and vulnerability with your audience. They can be inspiring or inspirational, depending on the content.
Social media is an excellent platform for storytelling. Your ideal customers will feel more connected to you if your storytelling skills are better. Your ideal clients will feel more connected to you if they are more inclined to support your products and cause. These storytelling tools will allow you to view the benefits of your business in the same way that I did.
Publited at Wed, 4 Aug 2021 11:04 pm -0400
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