The interpretation of the law of attraction is that like attracts like. Meaning, the feeling you exude represents the feeling of the reality you are attracting — which is therefore the most important determinant of the reality you attract. We’ll get to the heart of the rule of attraction by going to the heart of YOUR thought. This will demonstrate what it means on a feeling level, allowing you to take it with you during the day. We’ll peel back the layers to arrive at the basic realization that…
Changing our attention alters our emotions, which alters our emotional state, and thereby alters the things we draw into our lives.
“By paying attention to the signals of your emotions, you can understand, with absolute precision, everything you are now living or have ever lived,” Abraham Hicks writes in their book “Ask and It is Given.”
“And you can use this new understanding of your emotions to orchestrate a future experience that will please you in every way, with precision and ease you may have never experienced before.
“By understanding your emotional connection to who you truly are, you will gain insight into not only what is going on in your own world and why it is happening, but also into every other living Being with whom you interact.
“You will never have unanswered questions about your world again. You will understand more about who you are, who you have been, and who you are becoming on a deep level, through your Non-Physical viewpoint, and from your own personal physical experience.”
Table of Contents
Using the Law of Attraction: Few Pointers
Accept the situation as it is. Avoid dwelling only on what you hate in your life or wishing things were different all of the time. Accepting the situation as it is does not preclude you from trying to improve it. It’s sort of a lesson to avoid being caught up in a cycle of negativity.
Care about how you think. Assessing your thinking patterns and deciding where you fall on the continuum of optimism and pessimism can be beneficial if you’re not sure how your emotions impact your life.
Keeping a gratitude journal is a good idea. Make a list of all you’re grateful for in your life. Journaling has a lot of advantages, and it will help you grow a grateful attitude (which creates a space for more abundance).
Refocus your attention. Focus your mind on what you want rather than what frustrates you, just as you would with optimistic affirmations.

Feelings are Important
After nearly fifteen years of studying and playing with the Law of Attraction, I’ve come to one crucial conclusion: your feelings are everything. You can make all the vision boards and mantras you want, but they’ll be useless unless you’re invoking the sensation of already getting what you want. It seems that the world responds to the consistency of your feeling state rather than your desires.
In reality, your vibration is one of not getting when you are in a state of wanting. The universe responds to your vibrational energies by giving you more of what you already have rather than what you want. However, if you concentrate your vibrational energies on how it would feel to have the desired item, the world will conspire to offer you more of that feeling, including the item you want.
“For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away,” I believe is the true meaning of the biblical passage.
The Real Secret is Feeling
In 2006, the film The Secret did an excellent job of popularizing the Law of Attraction, but it failed to emphasize this most critical aspect, at least in my opinion. Ironically, it was Neville Goddard’s book Feeling is the Secret, published in 1944, that put the focus in the right place. It’s almost as if he knew there would be a film called The Secret that would omit the most crucial element!
Abraham and Goddard-
Hicks advises you to focus on one issue. The Law of Attraction has an alchemy about it, and it’s almost simple enough to be broken down into a recipe.
Consider the definition of desire. Add a heavy dose of emotion to the mix. Marinate for a while. Manifestation of yield.