In order to create the life you desire, one of the most important things is using feelings with the law of attraction.
The law of attraction expresses the principle that everything is born of energy. Involving your feelings with the law of attraction will bring success to any manifestation tool you want to use. Whether its visualization, affirmations, vision boards etc.
Find out more on the Law of Attraction here.
The law of attraction is the understanding that one attracts something that is in vibrational alignment with them. Even though thoughts are very important, your feelings carry the energy. The feeling you radiate reflects the feeling of the reality you are attracting. No exceptions.
Therefore, feelings are the biggest determinant of the reality you are attracting and ultimately living.
The aim of the article is to show you how to effectively apply your feelings with the law of attraction and live your dream life.
What you feel is what you attract.
Happiness is when what you think and what you do is in harmony. You have a strong power that guides everything you want in yourself.
This is achieved with the energy of your thoughts and with the power of your emotions. Manifestation is a natural product of pure, uninterrupted, unrefined thinking that is aligned with emotion. Your feelings are the creative force or magnet that draws to you whatever you are putting out. Using feelings with the law of attraction is of paramount importance.
Find out more about the power of emotion from this book!

It is easy to learn the law of attraction and manifestation, but it is very difficult to master.
Take it one thought at a time. The law of attraction is activated by thought, emotion and desire. Numerous uninterrupted thoughts and emotions begin to crystallize as intentions. The intention is the catalyst for the movement or change of energy. This creates a result.
Your current reality is created by your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes, whether these are conscious and deliberate or uncontrolled thoughts.
The quality of what you manifest is as good as your underlying emotions. Are you aware and intentional of what you are creating? Has your reality evolved from your instinctive, ordinary, reactionary, random, or accidental thoughts and beliefs?
If your thought is full of countless contradictory emotions, you will not experience your maximum creative abilities as you are not using the power of your feelings with the law of attraction. Albeit you are, but in the wrong direction. For example … You might think you want to be rich and successful. You can ask for money. And visualize money. And affirm money. However, if there is a belief in the depths of your unconscious mind that rich people are greedy, selfish, unhappy; then its almost impossible to realize your goal and be rich. Your higher self will not let you be someone you think is not nice or good.
Your higher self will align your deep thoughts with your reality. It is doing you a favor.
You are probably not aware of your underlying beliefs or the effects they have on your life.
Your beliefs are derived from the results (beliefs) you create based on your experiences and observations. This is bad if you are manifesting a not-so-good experience. This is good because it is easily rectified by harnessing the power of feelings with the law of attraction.
The goal is to develop rules and regulations to protect you and to keep you safe. Use the lessons from your experiences to avoid similar thought patterns and the resulting pain or unhappiness.
It works like this … You have an experience. You may rate this experience as good or bad, depending on how you feel. Your judgment allows you to decide how this experience will affect your future actions – in other words, you create a rule. You can decide not to put yourself in such a situation again. Then keep your new rule/belief in your memory to manage future actions.
Like software, these rules begin to work invisibly under conscious awareness. And in this way, if they are negative, they soon begin to sabotage your desires, relationships and success.
Emotion is where your body, mind and soul come together. It is the source of all healing and physical condition. Life will seem accidental and unfair if your emotions are mostly negative. You will not end up with the desired reality or the reality you are trying to achieve…if you don’t direct your emotions positively.
Reading articles from this website can put you in a different vibrational space. It is important to read and apply information that is empowering you. You now know your power. You need to keep reminding yourself of the abilities you have.
Table of Contents
Power of feelings with the Law of Attraction
Emotions affect your brain, heart rate, whole body, energy, thoughts and relationships. When we are sad, it is often difficult to think clearly, to act correctly and to choose wisely, and regret is an inevitable result. On the contrary, when you feel happy, confident, cared for and appreciated, the rhythms of your heart become equal and smooth. They send positive signals to the brain, which begin to think clearly and make better decisions.
Academic reasoning and technical competence are never enough to succeed. Emotional management and control, and effective interpersonal relationships have mostly made the difference between success and failure. You should learn to ride the waves of emotions, instead of letting them pull you down.
Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to the way we feel. By avoiding the negative and excessive emotions that move us in the way we regret and developing positive emotions that allow us to connect with others in favor and empathy, we can establish paths to happiness.
Listen to Your thoughts
Our thoughts are the window to our beliefs – and beliefs are the link between our experiences and the emotions that arise. Mindfulness practices are perfect to allow us to listen to our inner speech. This practice allows us to recognize negative or excessive expressions that constantly appear and to understand the biased beliefs we may carry.
The challenge of negative beliefs
Expected beliefs that are based on fear. Those that are extremely negative lead to extreme emotions that move us into modes of self-defeat. The good news is that we can challenge these beliefs because they are simply thoughts that we have thought over and over again. If we don’t like them we can simply change them.

Offer alternative beliefs
Okay, it’s not always easy. After all, long-standing beliefs ground us and help us understand our place in the universe. When we release biased beliefs, we need to replace them with positive and balanced ones, which help bring out the best in us.
In the case of low confidence, we can remember our successes and create a positive record of our successes to calm ourselves in front of the voice of the inner critic. We can feed them with consistent affirmations and visions compatible with our new beliefs.
Feelings with the law of attraction is a meal that will fully satisfy you.
For a better understanding on the power of feelings with the law of attraction, we recommend the following books:
Thank you.
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